Note: This guide is for Kinetic (22.10). For newer versions of Vanilla OS, refer to for the latest documentation.


  • Package Manager:- A package manager or package-management system is a utility with a collection of software tools that automates installing, upgrading, configuring, and removing applications or packages.

apx is the package manager which comes with Vanilla OS.

  • Homebrew:- Homebrew is a popular package manager for installing and managing packages in Mac and Linux. It contains thousands of packages and comes built-in with powerful tools and functionality. It supports installing packages in the home directory and is fully compatible with Vanilla OS.

Installing Git

git is an essential dependency for installing Homebrew. Run the git command in your terminal to check if it exists already. If git doesn’t exist in your system, you can install it using the following command:-

sudo abroot exec apt install git

After executing the above command, reboot your system to proceed with the guide below.

Installing Homebrew

Once git is present in your system, you can install Homebrew in the terminal without any superuser privileges using the following command:-

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Once installation is complete, you will see this message:-

Homebrew Post Installation message

Now, execute the commands the message gives you to add Homebrew to your $PATH. To see if everything worked correctly, install a test package (brew install hello), then check the installation by typing hello in your terminal.